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* This file was generated by dbusidl2cpp version 0.5
* when processing input file org.kde.KWin.xml
* dbusidl2cpp is Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
* This is an auto-generated file.
#ifndef KWINADAPTOR_H_187881149684785
#define KWINADAPTOR_H_187881149684785
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
class QByteArray;
template<class T> class QList;
template<class Key, class Value> class QMap;
class QString;
class QStringList;
class QVariant;
* Adaptor class for interface org.kde.KWin
class KWinAdaptor: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.KWin")
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Introspection", ""
" <interface name=\"org.kde.KWin\" >\n"
" <method name=\"cascadeDesktop\" >\n"
" <annotation value=\"true\" name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"unclutterDesktop\" >\n"
" <annotation value=\"true\" name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"reconfigure\" >\n"
" <annotation value=\"true\" name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"killWindow\" >\n"
" <annotation value=\"true\" name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"refresh\" />\n"
" <method name=\"doNotManage\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"name\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"showWindowMenuAt\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"winId\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"i\" name=\"x\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"i\" name=\"y\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"setDesktopLayout\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"i\" name=\"orientation\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"i\" name=\"x\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"i\" name=\"y\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"setCurrentDesktop\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"i\" name=\"desktop\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"b\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"currentDesktop\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"i\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"nextDesktop\" />\n"
" <method name=\"previousDesktop\" />\n"
" <method name=\"circulateDesktopApplications\" />\n"
" <method name=\"startKompmgr\" />\n"
" <method name=\"stopKompmgr\" />\n"
" <method name=\"kompmgrIsRunning\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"b\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"setOpacity\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"winId\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"u\" name=\"opacityPercent\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"setShadowSize\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"winId\" />\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"u\" name=\"shadowSizePercent\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"setUnshadowed\" >\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"winId\" />\n"
" </method>\n"
" <signal name=\"kompmgrStarted\" />\n"
" <signal name=\"kompmgrStopped\" />\n"
" <signal name=\"dcopResetAllClients\" />\n"
" </interface>\n"
KWinAdaptor(QObject *parent);
virtual ~KWinAdaptor();
public: // PROPERTIES
public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS
Q_NOREPLY void cascadeDesktop();
void circulateDesktopApplications();
int currentDesktop();
void doNotManage(const QString &name);
Q_NOREPLY void killWindow();
bool kompmgrIsRunning();
void nextDesktop();
void previousDesktop();
Q_NOREPLY void reconfigure();
void refresh();
bool setCurrentDesktop(int desktop);
void setDesktopLayout(int orientation, int x, int y);
void setOpacity(qlonglong winId, uint opacityPercent);
void setShadowSize(qlonglong winId, uint shadowSizePercent);
void setUnshadowed(qlonglong winId);
void showWindowMenuAt(qlonglong winId, int x, int y);
void startKompmgr();
void stopKompmgr();
Q_NOREPLY void unclutterDesktop();
void dcopResetAllClients();
void kompmgrStarted();
void kompmgrStopped();