Simplify Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder()

Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder() is a constant source of issues.
This change replaces the current logic that builds the stacking order to
hopefully make constrainedStackingOrder() less crashy.

With the new version, constrainedStackingOrder() doesn't perform layer
caching. On the other hand, it's quite rare to see apps in the wild that
have more than just 1 or 2 members in the window group.

BUG: 436095
Vlad Zahorodnii 3 years ago
parent 0de2b73393
commit eef97904b6

@ -473,38 +473,58 @@ void Workspace::restoreSessionStackingOrder(X11Client *c)
static Layer layerForClient(const X11Client *client)
Layer layer = client->layer();
// Desktop windows cannot be promoted to upper layers.
if (layer == DesktopLayer) {
return layer;
if (const Group *group = client->group()) {
const auto members = group->members();
for (const X11Client *member : members) {
if (member == client) {
} else if (member->screen() != client->screen()) {
if (member->layer() > layer) {
layer = member->layer();
return layer;
static Layer computeLayer(const Toplevel *toplevel)
if (auto client = qobject_cast<const X11Client *>(toplevel)) {
return layerForClient(client);
} else {
return toplevel->layer();
* Returns a stacking order based upon \a list that fulfills certain contained.
QList<Toplevel *> Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder()
QList<Toplevel *> layer[ NumLayers ];
// build the order from layers
QVector< QMultiMap<Group*, Layer> > minimum_layer(screens()->count());
for (auto it = unconstrained_stacking_order.constBegin(),
end = unconstrained_stacking_order.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
Layer l = (*it)->layer();
const int screen = (*it)->screen();
X11Client *c = qobject_cast<X11Client *>(*it);
QMultiMap<Group*, Layer> &current = minimum_layer[screen];
QMultiMap<Group*, Layer>::iterator mLayer = current.find(c ? c->group() : nullptr);
if (mLayer != current.end()) {
// If a window is raised above some other window in the same window group
// which is in the ActiveLayer (i.e. it's fullscreened), make sure it stays
// above that window (see #95731).
if (*mLayer == ActiveLayer && (l > BelowLayer))
l = ActiveLayer;
*mLayer = l;
} else if (c) {
current.insert(c->group(), l);
layer[ l ].append(*it);
// Sort the windows based on their layers while preserving their relative order in the
// unconstrained stacking order.
std::array<QList<Toplevel *>, NumLayers> windows;
for (Toplevel *window : qAsConst(unconstrained_stacking_order)) {
const Layer layer = computeLayer(window);
windows[layer] << window;
QList<Toplevel *> stacking;
for (int lay = FirstLayer; lay < NumLayers; ++lay) {
stacking += layer[lay];
for (uint layer = FirstLayer; layer < NumLayers; ++layer) {
stacking += windows[layer];
// Apply the stacking order constraints. First, we enqueue the root constraints, i.e.
