Move desktop kcm module to kwin as requested by David

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=732648
Laurent Montel 17 years ago
parent e38a36d3a6
commit 24eea94d0a

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ add_subdirectory( kwinoptions )
add_subdirectory( kwindecoration )
add_subdirectory( kwinrules )
add_subdirectory( kwincompositing )
add_subdirectory( kwindesktop )

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
########### next target ###############
set(kcm_kwindesktop_PART_SRCS desktop.cpp)
kde4_add_plugin(kcm_kwindesktop ${kcm_kwindesktop_PART_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(kcm_kwindesktop ${KDE4_KDE3SUPPORT_LIBS} ${KDE4_KUTILS_LIBS} )
########### install files ###############
install( FILES desktop.desktop DESTINATION ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR} )

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
$XGETTEXT *.cpp -o $podir/kcm_kwindesktop.pot

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// Own
#include "desktop.h"
// Qt
#include <Qt3Support/Q3GroupBox>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusInterface>
#include <QtGui/QBoxLayout>
#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
#include <QtGui/QSlider>
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#include <QX11Info>
// KDE
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#if 0
#include "kdesktop_interface.h"
// I'm using lineedits by intention as it makes sence to be able
// to see all desktop names at the same time. It also makes sense to
// be able to TAB through those line edits fast. So don't send me mails
// asking why I did not implement a more intelligent/smaller GUI.
KDesktopConfig::KDesktopConfig(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &)
: KCModule(KWinKcmFactory::componentData(), parent)
setQuickHelp( i18n("<h1>Multiple Desktops</h1>In this module, you can configure how many virtual desktops you want and how these should be labeled."));
Q_ASSERT(maxDesktops % 2 == 0);
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
// number group
Q3GroupBox *number_group = new Q3GroupBox(this);
QHBoxLayout *lay = new QHBoxLayout(number_group);
QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("N&umber of desktops: "), number_group);
_numInput = new KIntNumInput(4, number_group);
_numInput->setRange(1, maxDesktops, 1, true);
connect(_numInput, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotValueChanged(int)));
connect(_numInput, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT( changed() ));
label->setBuddy( _numInput );
QString wtstr = i18n( "Here you can set how many virtual desktops you want on your KDE desktop. Move the slider to change the value." );
label->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
_numInput->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
lay->setStretchFactor( _numInput, 2 );
// name group
Q3GroupBox *name_group = new Q3GroupBox(i18n("Desktop &Names"), this);
name_group->setColumnLayout(4, Qt::Horizontal);
for(int i = 0; i < (maxDesktops/2); i++)
_nameLabel[i] = new QLabel(i18n("Desktop %1:", i+1), name_group);
_nameInput[i] = new KLineEdit(name_group);
_nameLabel[i+(maxDesktops/2)] = new QLabel(i18n("Desktop %1:", i+(maxDesktops/2)+1), name_group);
_nameInput[i+(maxDesktops/2)] = new KLineEdit(name_group);
_nameLabel[i]->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Here you can enter the name for desktop %1", i+1 ) );
_nameInput[i]->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Here you can enter the name for desktop %1", i+1 ) );
_nameLabel[i+(maxDesktops/2)]->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Here you can enter the name for desktop %1", i+(maxDesktops/2)+1 ) );
_nameInput[i+(maxDesktops/2)]->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Here you can enter the name for desktop %1", i+(maxDesktops/2)+1 ) );
connect(_nameInput[i], SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
SLOT( changed() ));
connect(_nameInput[i+(maxDesktops/2)], SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
SLOT( changed() ));
for(int i = 1; i < maxDesktops; i++)
setTabOrder( _nameInput[i-1], _nameInput[i] );
#if 0
_wheelOption = new QCheckBox(i18n("Mouse wheel over desktop background switches desktop"), this);
connect(_wheelOption,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT( changed() ));
// Begin check for immutable
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
int kwin_screen_number = DefaultScreen(QX11Info::display());
int kwin_screen_number = 0;
KSharedConfig::Ptr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig( "kwinrc" );
QByteArray groupname;
if (kwin_screen_number == 0)
groupname = "Desktops";
groupname = "Desktops-screen-" + QByteArray::number ( kwin_screen_number );
if (config->isGroupImmutable(groupname))
KConfigGroup cfgGroup(, groupname);
if (cfgGroup.isEntryImmutable("Number"))
// End check for immutable
void KDesktopConfig::load()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
// get number of desktops
NETRootInfo info( QX11Info::display(), NET::NumberOfDesktops | NET::DesktopNames );
int n = info.numberOfDesktops();
for(int i = 1; i <= maxDesktops; i++)
QString name = QString::fromUtf8(info.desktopName(i));
for(int i = 1; i <= maxDesktops; i++)
_nameInput[i-1]->setEnabled(i <= n);
emit changed(false);
#if 0
KSharedConfig::Ptr desktopConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdesktoprc", KConfig::NoGlobals);
desktopConfig->setGroup("Mouse Buttons");
_wheelOption->setChecked(desktopConfig->readEntry("WheelSwitchesWorkspace", false));
_wheelOptionImmutable = desktopConfig->isEntryImmutable("WheelSwitchesWorkspace");
if (_wheelOptionImmutable || n<2)
void KDesktopConfig::save()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
NETRootInfo info( QX11Info::display(), NET::NumberOfDesktops | NET::DesktopNames );
// set desktop names
for(int i = 1; i <= maxDesktops; i++)
info.setDesktopName(i, (_nameInput[i-1]->text()).toUtf8());
// set number of desktops
XSync(QX11Info::display(), false);
#if 0
KSharedConfig::Ptr desktopConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdesktoprc");
desktopConfig->setGroup("Mouse Buttons");
desktopConfig->writeEntry("WheelSwitchesWorkspace", _wheelOption->isChecked());
// Tell kdesktop about the new config file
int konq_screen_number = 0;
if (QX11Info::display())
konq_screen_number = DefaultScreen(QX11Info::display());
QByteArray appname;
if (konq_screen_number == 0)
appname = "org.kde.kdesktop";
appname = "org.kde.kdesktop-screen-" + QByteArray::number( konq_screen_number );
org::kde::kdesktop::Desktop desktop(appname, "/Desktop", QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
emit changed(false);
void KDesktopConfig::defaults()
int n = 4;
for(int i = 0; i < maxDesktops; i++)
_nameInput[i]->setText(i18n("Desktop %1", i+1));
for(int i = 0; i < maxDesktops; i++)
_nameInput[i]->setEnabled(i < n);
#if 0
if (!_wheelOptionImmutable)
emit changed(false);
void KDesktopConfig::slotValueChanged(int n)
for(int i = 0; i < maxDesktops; i++)
_nameInput[i]->setEnabled(i < n);
if(i<n && _nameInput[i]->text().isEmpty())
_nameInput[i]->setText(i18n("Desktop %1", i+1));
#if 0
if (!_wheelOptionImmutable)
emit changed(true);
#include "desktop.moc"

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=kcmshell4 desktop
Name=Multiple Desktops
Name[af]=Veelvuldige Werkskerms
Name[ar]=أسطح مكتب متعددة
Name[be]=Некалькі працоўных сталоў
Name[bg]=Работни плотове
Name[br]=Lies burev
Name[ca]=Múltiples escriptoris
Name[cs]=Virtuální plochy
Name[csb]=Wiele pùltów
Name[cy]=Penbyrddau Lluosol
Name[da]=Flere desktoppe
Name[de]=Virtuelle Arbeitsflächen
Name[el]=Πολλαπλές επιφάνειες εργασίας
Name[eo]=Pluraj tabuloj
Name[es]=Varios escritorios
Name[et]=Virtuaalsed töölauad
Name[eu]=Mahaigain anitz
Name[fa]=رومیزیهای چندگانه
Name[fr]=Bureaux multiples
Name[fy]=Firtuele buroblêden
Name[ga]=Deasca Iomadúla
Name[gl]=Múltiples Escritórios
Name[he]=שולחנות עבודה מרובים
Name[hr]=Višestruke radne površine
Name[hu]=Virtuális munkaasztalok
Name[it]=Desktop multipli
Name[ka]=მრავალ დაფიანი რეჟიმი
Name[kk]=Виртуалды үстелдер
Name[ko]=다중 데스크톱
Name[lt]=Daugelis darbastalių
Name[lv]=Vairākas Darbvirsmas
Name[mk]=Повеќе површини
Name[ms]=Berbilang Desktop
Name[nb]=Flere skrivebord
Name[nds]=Mehr as een Schriefdisch
Name[ne]=बहुँविध डेस्कटप
Name[nl]=Virtuele bureaubladen
Name[nn]=Fleire skrivebord
Name[pa]=ਬਹੁ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ
Name[pl]=Wiele pulpitów
Name[pt]=Ecrãs Múltiplos
Name[pt_BR]=Múltiplas Áreas de Trabalho
Name[ro]=Ecrane multiple
Name[ru]=Виртуальные рабочие столы
Name[se]=Máŋggaid čállinbeavddi
Name[sl]=Več namizij
Name[sr]=Вишеструке радне површине
Name[sr@latin]=Višestruke radne površine
Name[sv]=Flera skrivbord
Name[ta]=பலவகையான மேல்மேசைகள்
Name[tg]=Мизи кориҳои виртуалӣ
Name[tr]=Çoklu Masaüstü
Name[uk]=Віртуальні стільниці
Name[uz]=Бир нечта иш столлари
Name[vi]=Đa màn hình nền
Name[x-test]=xxMultiple Desktopsxx
Name[xh]=Desktops Ezininzi
Comment=You can configure how many virtual desktops there are.
Comment[af]=Jy kan opstel hoeveel virtuele werkskerms daar is.
Comment[be]=Тут вы можаце змяніць колькасць віртуальных стальніц.
Comment[bg]=Настройване на работните плотове
Comment[br]=Amañ e c'hellit kefluniañ pet burev galloudel ez eus.
Comment[ca]=Podeu configurar quants escriptoris virtuals hi ha d'haver-hi.
Comment[cs]=Zde je možné nastavit, kolik si přejete virtuálních ploch.
Comment[csb]=Kònfigùracëjô wielënë wirtualnëch pùltów.
Comment[cy]=Gallwch ffurfweddu faint o benbyrddau sydd ar gael
Comment[da]=Her kan du indstille hvor mange virtuelle desktoppe der er.
Comment[de]=Hier können Sie die Zahl der virtuellen Arbeitsflächen festlegen
Comment[el]=Μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε πόσες εικονικές επιφάνειες εργασίας θα υπάρχουν.
Comment[eo]=Ĉi tie vi povas agordi kiom da virtualaj tabuloj jen estas.
Comment[es]=Configuración del número de escritorios virtuales.
Comment[et]=Virtuaalsete töölaudade arvu seadistamine
Comment[eu]=Mahaigain birtualen kopurua konfigura dezakezu.
Comment[fa]=می‌توانید پیکربندی کنید چند رومیزی مجازی وجود دارد.
Comment[fi]=Voit määritelle virtuaalityöpöytien määrän.
Comment[fr]=Configuration du nombre de bureaux virtuels
Comment[fy]=Hjir kinne jo fêststelle hoefolle firtuele buroblêden jo brûke wolle.
Comment[ga]=Is féidir leat líon na ndeasc fíorúil a chumrú.
Comment[gl]=Pode configurar aqui cantos escritórios virtuais quere empregar.
Comment[he]=שינוי מספר שולחנות העבודה הווירטואליים
Comment[hr]=Konfiguriranje broja virtualnih radnih površina
Comment[hu]=A virtuális munkaasztalok számának beállítása
Comment[is]=Hér getur þú stillt hversu mörg sýndaskjáborðin eru.
Comment[it]=Configura quanti desktop virtuali vuoi avere.
Comment[ka]=თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ვირტუალური სამუშაო მაგიდების რაოდენობის კონფიგურაცია
Comment[kk]=Керек виртуалды үстелдер санын орнату.
Comment[km]=អ្នក​អាច​កំណត់​រចនា​សម្ព័ន្ធ​ឲ្យ​មាន​ផ្ទៃតុ​និម្មិត​ច្រើន ។
Comment[ko]=다중 데스크톱의 개수 설정
Comment[lt]=Čia galite nustatyti kiek menamų darbastalių naudoti
Comment[lv]=Jūs varat konfigurēt cik daudz virtuālo darbvirsmu ir.
Comment[mk]=Може да конфигурирате колку виртуелни работни површини ќе има.
Comment[ms]=Anda boleh konfigur berapa banyak desktop maya yang ada.
Comment[nb]=Velg hvor mange virtuelle skrivebord du vil ha.
Comment[nds]=Du kannst hier instellen, wo vele virtuelle Schriefdischen dat gifft
Comment[ne]=तपाईँले त्यहाँ भएका अवास्तविक डेस्कटप कन्फिगर गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।
Comment[nl]=U kunt hier bepalen hoeveel virtuele bureaubladen u wilt gebruiken.
Comment[nn]=Vel kor mange virtuelle skrivebord du vil ha.
Comment[pa]=ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੰਰਚਿਤ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਕਿੰਨੇ ਫਰਜ਼ੀ ਵੇਹੜੇ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ।
Comment[pl]=Konfiguracja liczby wirtualnych pulpitów.
Comment[pt]=O utilizador pode configurar quantos ecrãs virtuais existem.
Comment[pt_BR]=Você pode configurar quantas áreas de trabalho virtuais existem.
Comment[ro]=Puteţi configura câte ecrane virtuale există.
Comment[ru]=Настройка количества виртуальных рабочих столов
Comment[se]=Sáhtát heivehit galle virtuella čállinbeavddi dus galgá leat.
Comment[sl]=Tu lahko nastavite število navideznih namizij.
Comment[sr]=Овде можете подесити колико ће бити виртуелних радних површина.
Comment[sr@latin]=Ovde možete podesiti koliko će biti virtuelnih radnih površina.
Comment[sv]=Anpassa antalet virtuella skrivbord
Comment[ta]=மெய்நிகர் மேல்மேசைகளின் எண்ணிக்கையை வடிவமைக்கலாம்.
Comment[tg]=Инҷо метавонед таъдоди мизи кориҳои миҷозии худро таъин кунед.
Comment[tr]=Kaç görsel masaüstüne sahip olacağınızı buradan yapılandırabilirsiniz.
Comment[uk]=Налаштування кількості віртуальних стільниць.
Comment[uz]=Бу ерда виртуал иш столларнинг сонини мослашингиз мумкин
Comment[vi]=Bạn có khả năng đặt số màn hình nền ảo ở đây
Comment[wa]=Vos ploz apontyî cobén di forveyous scribannes i gn a.
Comment[x-test]=xxYou can configure how many virtual desktops there are.xx
Comment[xh]=Ungaqwalasela ukuba zizakubangakanani ii desktops ezingabonakaliyo.
Keywords=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop
Keywords[be]=Працоўны стол,Працоўныя сталы,Колькасць,Віртуальны працоўны стол,Віртуальныя працоўныя сталы,desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop
Keywords[bg]=Keywords=работен, плот, брой, виртуален, desktop, number, virtual desktop
Keywords[br]=burev,burevioù,niver,burev galloudel
Keywords[ca]=escriptori,escriptoris,número,escriptori virtual
Keywords[cs]=Pracovní plocha,Počet,Virtuální plocha,Plocha
Keywords[csb]=desktop,biurkò,biurka,pùlt,pùltë,wielëna,wirtualné biurkò,wirtualny pùlt
Keywords[cy]=penbwrdd, penbyrddau,rhif,penbwrdd rhith
Keywords[da]=desktop,desktoppe,antal,virtuelt desktop
Keywords[de]=Arbeitsfläche,Desktop,Anzahl,Virtuelle Arbeitsfläche
Keywords[el]=επιφάνεια εργασίας,επιφάνειες εργασίας,αριθμός,εικονική επιφάνεια εργασίας
Keywords[eo]=tabulo,tabuloj,nombro,virtuala tabulo
Keywords[es]=escritorio,escritorios,número,escritorio virtual
Keywords[et]=töölaud,töölauad,arv,virtuaalne töölaud
Keywords[eu]=mahaigaina, mahaigainak,zenbakia,mahaigain birtuala
Keywords[fa]=رومیزی، رومیزیها، تعداد، رومیزی مجازی
Keywords[fr]=bureau,bureaux,numéro,bureaux virtuels
Keywords[fy]=desktop,buroblêd,buroblêden,namme fan buroblêd,nûmmer,buroblêdtelling,firtuele buroblêden
Keywords[ga]=deasc,deasca,uimhir,deasc fhíorúil
Keywords[gl]=escritório,escritórios,número,escritório virtual
Keywords[he]=שולחן עבודה,שולחנות עבודה,מספר,שולחן עבודה וירטואלי, desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop
Keywords[hr]=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop,radna površina,broj,virtualna radna površina
Keywords[hu]=munkaasztal,munkaasztalok,szám,virtuális munkaasztal
Keywords[it]=desktop,nome desktop,numero di desktop,desktop virtuali
Keywords[ka]=სამუშაო მაგიდა,სამუშაო მაგიდები,რიცხვი,ვირტუალური სამუშაო მაგიდა
Keywords[km]=ផ្ទៃតុ ផ្ទៃតុ លេខ ផ្ទៃតុ​និម្មិត
Keywords[ko]=Desktops,Name,Number of Desktops,Desktopcount,데스크톱,이름,데스크톱 번호,데스크탑 개수
Keywords[lt]=desktop,desktops,darbastaliai,number,skaičius,menamas darbastalis
Keywords[lv]=Darbvirsma,Darbavirsmas,Skaits,virtuālā darbvirsma
Keywords[mk]=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop,работна површина,површина,работни површини,површини,број,виртуелна површина
Keywords[ms]=desktop,desktop,bilangan,desktop maya
Keywords[nb]=Skrivebord,antall,virtuelt skrivebord
Keywords[nds]=Schriefdisch,Schriefdischen,Tall,virtuelle Schriefdischen
Keywords[ne]=डेस्कटप, डेस्कटपहरू, सङ्ख्या, अवास्तविक डेस्कटप
Keywords[nl]=desktop,bureaublad,bureaubladen,naam van bureaublad,nummer,bureaubladtelling,virtuele bureaubladen
Keywords[nn]=skrivebord,nummer,virtuelt skrivebord
Keywords[pa]=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop,ਵੇਹੜੇ,ਗਿਣਤੀ
Keywords[pl]=desktop,biurko,biurka,pulpit,pulpity,numer,wirtualne biurko,wirtualny pulpit
Keywords[pt]=ecrã,ambiente de trabalho,número,ecrã virtual
Keywords[pt_BR]=área de trabalho,áreas de trabalho,número,área de trabalho virtual
Keywords[ro]=ecran,număr,ecran virtual,afişare,monitor
Keywords[se]=čállinbeavdi,čállinbeavddit,nummir,virtuella čállinbeavdi
Keywords[sl]=namizje,ime,številka,število namizij,navidezno
Keywords[sr]=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop,радна површина,број,виртуелна радна површина
Keywords[sr@latin]=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop,radna površina,broj,virtuelna radna površina
Keywords[sv]=skrivbord,antal skrivbord,antal,virtuellt skrivbord
Keywords[ta]=மேல்மேசை, மேல்மேசைகள்,எண்ணிக்கை,மெய்நிகர் மேல்மேசை
Keywords[tr]=masaüstü,isim,masaüstü sayısı,sanal masaüstü
Keywords[uk]=стільниця,стільниці,номер,віртуальна стільниця
Keywords[uz]=иш столи,иш столлари,сон,виртуал иш столи
Keywords[vi]=màn hình nền,các màn hình nền,số,màn hình nền ảo
Keywords[wa]=sicribanne,scribanne,sicribannes,scribannes,forveyou scribanne
Keywords[x-test]=xxdesktop,desktops,number,virtual desktopxx
Keywords[zh_CN]=desktop,desktops,number,virtual desktop,桌面,数量,虚拟桌面
Keywords[zh_TW]=desktop,number,virtual desktop,桌面,編號,虛擬桌面

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __desktop_h__
#define __desktop_h__
#include <kcmodule.h>
class QLabel;
class QCheckBox;
class KLineEdit;
class KIntNumInput;
class QStringList;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
// if you change this, update also the number of keyboard shortcuts in kwin/kwinbindings.cpp
static const int maxDesktops = 20;
class KDesktopConfig : public KCModule
KDesktopConfig(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &args);
void load();
void save();
void defaults();
protected Q_SLOTS:
void slotValueChanged(int);
KIntNumInput *_numInput;
QLabel *_nameLabel[maxDesktops];
KLineEdit *_nameInput[maxDesktops];
#if 0
QCheckBox *_wheelOption;
bool _wheelOptionImmutable;
#endif // Q_WS_X11